Tuesday, October 2, 2007

VGC October Newsletter

Next meeting: Tuesday, October 9th at 7:00 pm at the Manor House

Hostesses: Marie Bidwell, Bonnie Detweiler and Barbara Marcello
Note: Hostesses need to coordinate with each other desserts, creamer, and decorations for the table. Please arrive at 6:20 so you have plenty of time to set up before the meeting. Thanks!

Program: Workshop to prepare for Harvest Festival

VGC Blog: Get all the latest news and gardening tips at our new blog website. Go to http://vgcstonykill.blogspot.com/ from any internet connected computer.

YEARBOOK: Finally I have all the needed information and these will be distributed at the October meeting.

Harvest Festival: Saturday, October 13th 12:00 – 5:00
Please bring houseplants and perennial divisions to sell at the festival.
Everyone’s help is needed to make this a successful event for us. At the workshop we’ll be making our popcorn gloves, Indian corn decorations and more. If you didn’t sign up yet to bring a soup or bake something be sure to do this on Tuesday evening.

September Meeting Notes:

We began with the salute to the flag and a moment of silence for Sept. 11th.

We heard from this summer’s campers. Pat Broun’s grandchildren Louis and Julian were the campers. Julian related about learning about animals. They even got to see some bears, from a distance! A baby bear came to their campsite and their counselor had to scare it away. He found a rare spring salamander. They both agreed that the food was good. Julian related that they sang a lot of songs around the campfire. He said they did a lot of hiking. Once they got a little lost on a mountain and walked 7 miles. He did the hunter safety course and passed. Louis was able to take archery.

Angie was thanked for her centerpiece for remembrance of 9/11.

At Fishkill Health Related Center they made fresh flower bouquets for the residents. It was from 2:00 to 4:00. Evelyn, Joyce, Barbara, and Diane attended the event. Diane brought books and Barbara brought magazines, which was really appreciated. Andrew Banner took photos and put them in frames for their rooms. There were about 55 to 60 residents.

Beacon Day is on September 30th from 10 to 4. Raindate is Oct. 7th.

Karen Vitek reviewed the chairpersons for the yearbook and there was discussion about the program list for the yearbook. Joyce needs to delegate this responsibility to someone else to work on. In October we will have a workshop meeting for the Harvest Festival. There was a motion made and it passed. The meeting will be held in the new classroom or the barn.

Harvest Festival: The DEC decided that they preferred not to sell the art but you can show it. They feel that the pricing is out of the range of the festival. They don’t want expensive items. Reba tried to help us out with this situation. The tent has already been paid for. Barbara is doing drinks. There was discussion about having coffee available. We need stoves because we only have four right now. There was discussion about buying some stoves. We agreed to buy two large stoves this year. A motion was made and it passed. Evelyn needs people to sign up for baked goods. She needs more round tables and some round tablecloths. She will buy the items needed for the popcorn gloves and we will make 150. When you bring cupcakes bring them in baggies or wrap them. Wrap pieces of round cake too. If you have food umbrellas bring them to help keep the bees away. She needs a few bud vases also. Angie needs people to work with her. Sue, Hanna and Diane volunteered. She is going to get 60 mums for Harvest Fest. Pat Lyman will make some bows for the floral area. Margaret and Sue G. will make some too. Educational material will be made available in the floral area. Diane will ask Chris Petty if she could bring her tent. If she can’t Sue G. will bring hers. Pat will consider whether she will bring the art or not. There is no fee for this event. We are hoping that there will be some publicity for the event. Karen will give each chair a report form, pencil and paper for comments from that day. Be sure to give Karen your report by the November meeting. Each chair should also count their money and place it in an envelope with the amount and area clearly marked on it that day before they give it to Diane.

There is $390 in memory of Bob Decker that will go toward the raised bed garden next spring.

A quote especially for October~

October's poplars are flaming torches
lighting the way to winter.
- Nova Bair

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