Friday, July 20, 2007

July 2007 Meeting Notes

Many thanks to Angie for hosting this meeting and making all of the preparations. She was presented a basket for hostessing. Dottie Bell was also presented with a basket for next month.

Thirty people signed up and only 18 showed up. Please remember to call the hostess if you can’t make it.

Volunteer picnic at Stony Kill was a good time and all VGC members are invited to this annual event. We were well represented this year.

The Decker Fund: Bob Decker passed away and was an early member of the club. The family designated VGC as the recipient of the memorial funds. The total was $365. The next step is to decide how to spend the money by talking to his son. The people who donated were thanked and his son has a list of the people who donated. Fred made a suggestion that the gazebo be refurbished with the funds.

Elant-Fishkill Dutchess County Fair: They would like to know if we would like to volunteer again on August 21st from 2:00 to 4:00. The club voted that they would like to be involved in this event again. Joyce asked if people could save bud vases. Barbara, Dottie, Diane, Rita and Cecilia are going to go.

Yearbook information needs to given to Karen by August 15th. Please sign up for hostessing October and February. Any changes need to be given to Karen as far as committee chairs.

Harvest Festival is now on Saturday, October 13th from 12:00 to 5:00 pm. Please think about how you want to participate in this event. In August assignments will be made. There is a question about whether we can have an Art booth this year. Gail is going to confer with Reba. Remember to bring in your items for the raffle basket during the August and September meeting.

Beacon Day: Angie and Diane are chairing this event. It will be Sunday, Sept. 30th from 12:00 to 4:00. Raffle basket, mums and herbs will be sold during this event. Rita and Joyce also volunteered.

Members need to commit at least 2 hours to weeding around the Manor House. Heather has done a lot of work on the herb bed.

Joyce reported that she is contacting Troop 95 to do work with the raised beds.

Dottie is hostessing the August meeting at her house. The club is providing hamburgers and hot dogs. Please call Dottie by Friday, August 10th to let her know if you want a hamburger or a hot dog and if you didn’t sign up for a dish at the July meeting please let her know what you are bringing. The meeting starts at 6:00. The men will do the cooking and members will bring a dish to share. Directions will be in the August newsletter. Dottie's phone number is: 831-4341

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