Tuesday, September 4, 2007

September Hostesses

Sorry I left this out of the newsletter. The hostesses for September are:

Angie Biersack
Karen Vitek
Dottie Bell

Monday, September 3, 2007

Tioronda Garden Club Herb Program

Tioronda Garden Club has invited us to a program on herbs presented by a speaker from Adam's on Wednesday, September 12th at the Howland Cultural Center at 7:00 PM.

VGC September 2007 Newsletter

Next meeting: Tuesday, September 11th at 7:00 pm at the Manor House

VGC Blog: Get all the latest news and gardening tips at our new blog website. Go to http://vgcstonykill.blogspot.com/ from any internet connected computer. You can go to your local public library to do this if you don’t have your own computer. All meeting minutes will be posted to this site.

Harvest Festival Raffle Basket: Please bring new garden related items to place in the basket at the meeting.

YEARBOOK: If you have ANY information for the yearbook, please, please get this to Karen Vitek as soon as possible. If I don’t receive the information in the next few days I will have to make a choice between blank pages and waiting to distribute it until the October meeting.

Upcoming Events: Mark your calendars for these events.
Beacon Day: Sunday, September 30th 12:00 – 4:00
Harvest Festival: Saturday, October 13th 12:00 – 5:00

August Meeting Notes:

Diane Sedore is chairing the Harvest Festival. She is getting sub chairs for each area. There was discussion about whether we can have an Art area.

The program schedule for next year will be sent to Karen by Joyce Banner. There was a discussion about having a planning meeting in February. In April the meeting will be a working meeting to divide perennials. Joyce also suggested having a hands-on meeting with someone who does Ikebana.

Historian: June Joyce
Wildflower Loop chairmen is open.
Bonnie is going to chair the Mother’s Day Plant Sale
Hostesses chaired by Margaret Doerr: Feb: Diane Sedore, Louise Winter and Stephanie Pratt, October: Marie Bidwell and Bonnie Detweiler
Barbara Marcello is chairing the Holiday Open House.

The money donated in memory of Bob Decker will be used to buy a bench near the raised beds.

An Eagle Scout from Troop 95 is going to work on the Herb Bed for his Eagle Scout Project. He is submitting it for approval to the Boy Scout Council. His name is Kyle Perry.

A quote especially for September~

By all these lovely tokens
September days are here,
With summer's best of weather,
And autumn's best of cheer.

Helen Hunt Jackson, from September

VGC August Meeting 2007

Diane Sedore is chairing the Harvest Festival. She is getting sub chairs for each area. There was discussion about whether we can have an Art area.

The program schedule for next year will be sent to Karen by Joyce Banner. There was a discussion about having a planning meeting in February. In April the meeting will be a working meeting to divide perennials. Joyce also suggested having a hands-on meeting with someone who does Ikebana.

Historian: June Joyce
Wildflower Loop chairmen is open.
Bonnie is going to chair the Mother’s Day Plant Sale
Hostesses chaired by Margaret Doerr: Feb: Diane Sedore, Louise Winter and Stephanie Pratt, October: Marie Bidwell and Bonnie Detweiler
Barbara Marcello is chairing the Holiday Open House.

The money donated in memory of Bob Decker will be used to buy a bench near the raised beds.

An Eagle Scout from Troop 95 is going to work on the Herb Bed for his Eagle Scout Project. He is submitting it for approval to the Boy Scout Council. His name is Kyle Perry.